Rotterdam business active in the maritime and offshore sector are united in the CHIO Port Club Rotterdam (CPCR). They are dedicated to the equestrian sports, the FEI European Championships and the CHIO Rotterdam. CPCR is one of our Legacy Partners.

Connected by Horsepower
This business network connects the city and the harbour via equestrian sports but most important it connects people. This business network is most active in the Rotterdam region but as the CHIO Rotterdam is also regional, national as well as international we see international connections happening. Related to the nature of this business, building bridges with other international city harbours is a natural consequence and an interesting business opportunity.
To ensure members of the CHIO Port Club Rotterdam not only benefit from their membership during the event but also throughout the year, there is a 12 months calendar including activities matching the harbour and maritime interest. These activities are organized in close cooperation with Rotterdam Partners, Port of Rotterdam, Rotterdam Port Promotion Council and Deltalinqs.
The CPCR steering commitee:
- Peter Goedvolk (president), Count Companies
- Pieter Baan, ING Rotterdam
- Keesjan Cordia, Invaco
- Jeanette Baljeu, Deputy Province Zuid-Holland
- Fons Bogaers, Progeco Holland
- Peter Loef, Beequip
- Jasper Nagtegaal, ContainerWeight
- Bas Janssen, Deltalinqs
- Ruud Maaskant, Jordex Shipping & Forwarding
- Roderick Post, Post & Co. BV
- Albert Straatman, Rotterdam Port Promotion Council
During the FEI European Championships there is a dedicated hospitality event for members of the CHIO Port Club Rotterdam. Throughout the year there are several networking moments where members meet. These are all related to the European Championships.
More information?
Do you want to apply for membership or you need more information? Please contact Carla Collewijn: [email protected] or (+31)10-4528900.
Trust fund Hippische Alliantie Rotterdam and CHIO Port Club Rotterdam
CHIO Port Club Rotterdam supports the Trust Fund “Hippische Alliantie Rotterdam”.
Within the Equestrian Alliance Rotterdam CHIO Rotterdam represents top level equestrian sports, the Rotterdamsche Manège represents basic equestrian sports and De Hazelaar represents para equestrian sports. The objective for this alliance is to enforce the equestrian sports in The Netherlands and jointly develop a social program for the common good by developing charity activities financed by funding. For more information check this website.