Business opportunities 365 days per year

The DNA of Rotterdam can be found in each of the business clubs of CHIO Rotterdam. Entrepreneurs from the region and beyond meet each other, jointly discuss social themes and grant each other the business. This happens during the four days of the CHIO, but also outside those times.... 365 days a year!

CHIO Rotterdam recognizes the following business clubs:

Vrienden van het CHIO

CHIO Port Club Rotterdam

CHIO Vastgoed Club

CHIO Assurantie Club

Sociëteit Schoufour

In addition to the regular meetings of the business clubs, there are a number of business meetings (by invitation):

  • Het Hippisch Havengala
  • Congresses

Are you interested in how CHIO Rotterdam can support your brand and/or company? Please contact us to discuss the options and costs:

Carla Collewijn
Tel : 06 431 271 00
E-mail: [email protected]

Bianca Nagtegaal
Tel : 06 518 722 30
E-mail: [email protected]